Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Wisconsin Task Force on Arts and Creativity in Education

Rationale Wisconsin's Lieutenant Governor, Barbara Lawton, and State Superintendent of Schools, Elizabeth Burmaster, established the Task Force on Arts and Creativity in Education to address the essential role arts education and the development of all students' creative capacities plays in the lives of students, in defining their future, the quality of life in Wisconsin communities and our state's economy.

In this 21st century global economy, Wisconsin's competitive edge will be the talent it develops for innovation and entrepreneurship. In a fast-changing world where we are bombarded with more information than can be humanly processed, knowledge represents what can be known and creativity is the capacity to manage the unknown.

In this context, the following equation must drive smart allocation of resources in education: Knowledge + Creativity = Competitive Edge.

Creativity drives innovations in science, business, technology and even service industries; entrepreneurs are problem-solvers, innovators by definition, visionaries when at their best.

Developing the arts and creativity in education programs is both a deliberate workforce development strategy and one that will stimulate innovation/creativity and enable entrepreneurship. The new Wisconsin brand platform developed by the Wisconsin Department of Tourism points to our state's historic identity as fostering a culture of original thinkers across economic sectors. Wisconsin's future prosperity depends on our success in establishing our leadership in innovation and ideas to meet the challenges of the 21st century.

The Task Force on Arts and Creativity in Education is charged to:
- Examine the quality and amount of arts education and creativity development that students currently receive in public schools pre-K through 12, and gauge the impact of relevant state level policies and local practices on the scope and access statewide to quality arts education opportunities.
- Create and assess an inventory of arts education programs offered both during and after school by the nonprofit arts organizations.
- Develop an inventory of model projects and curriculum developing creative capacities in all disciplines that are already being used in the classroom to disseminate broadly.
- Develop a "GPS" to guide educators, policymakers, parents and communities in developing strong programs through DPI, state policies and collaborative practices to ensure that every Wisconsin child has the opportunity to develop their competitive edge.
-Identify those state and local agencies, organizations and businesses that can collaborate with schools, and will provide community leadership and additional resources to support arts education.

The work of the Task Force on Arts and Creativity in Education will encompass, but is not limited to, issues and related policies such as:
- State-supported programs for arts education and creativity.
- The incidence of use of the arts and its impact on learning in other disciplines.
- School/community arts education partnerships.
- Expanding the reach of arts and creativity in education to under-served populations.
- Diversity in arts education programs, including 21st century art forms.
- Impact of state laws and rules on arts education in schools.
- Alignment of arts and creativity education with high school graduation and post-secondary education.
- Alignment of arts and creativity education with workforce and entrepreneurial development, including identified 21st century skills.
- Equity of access and participation within arts and creativity in education programs.
- Teacher education and learning strategies to advance arts and creativity in education.

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